Tuesday, April 29, 2008 

《岁月》 THE DAYS brand new poster

Brand new poster for our new film 《岁月》 THE DAYS, due out in Singapore September 2008. Check out www.thedaysmovie.com for updates. We have just wrapped production shoots and working on the post production

Sunday, April 13, 2008 

29 and feeling 30

Hello and thank you for the well wishes. I am 29 and 12 months from turning the three-o. Looking back at my list of "30 before 30" made when I was 21. I have been side-track the past year with the new venture and cause to fight but I suppose that shouldn't be an excuse. So there is the list once more - 8 more to go - all looking attainable!

  1. Start a design house and make it work
  2. Move out of my parents place
  3. Must visit: Tokyo, New York and London
  4. Learn to drive
  5. Own my dream car; a classic Volkswagen Beetle
  6. Make a movie
  7. Go sky diving and get a certificate to self dive
  8. Learn to dive (sea) and go diving
  9. Bungee jump
  10. Ride a horse
  11. Learn to snowboard
  12. Learn to surf
  13. Learn a third language
  14. Learn to rock climb
  15. Date a model
  16. Have sex on the beach
  17. Start a magazine
  18. Make my own products
  19. Hold a personal exhibition
  20. Fight for a social cause
  21. Write a story and get it published
  22. Receive further education
  23. Teach a class
  24. Make a presentation to over 1,000 people about the things I do
  25. Attend a foreign film festival
  26. Judge some design or advertising competition or film festival
  27. Win some awards for my works
  28. Make some money off the internet
  29. Make enough money to have my own credit card
  30. Still be the same person that I am